Laser Plumbing Wellington East
Network Plumbing Group Ltd trading as Laser Plumbing Wellington East. We provide plumbing, gasfitting, drainlaying services to the Wellington region.
We have the skills and expertise to service all your plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying needs in the Wellington region. We offer quality workmanship and a friendly service that’s Totally Dependable. Covering both the residential and commercial markets, we are experts in service and maintenance.
Our Services
- Residential
- Commercial
- New Build Plumbing
- Plumbing Renovations
- Plumbing Maintenance and Servicing
- Drainage and drainlaying
- Nuflow Pipe Repair
- Solar Heating
- Gasfitting
- Roofing / Spouting Repairs
- Commercial projects

When you hire a Laser Plumber or Electrician, you'll receive our 'Totally Dependable' service!
- Timely delivery
- Promise of care and skill
- Appropriate work for customers' needs
- Well-presented, professional employees
- Ensure responsibility of material supplied
- Honour manufacturer's guarantees
- Meet and frequently exceed our customers' expectations
Find us
Laser Plumbing Wellington East
4A Wakefield Street,
Alicetown, Lower Hutt, 5012
New Zealand
Enquire now
Contact us with any question, booking request or quote.